Saturday, July 30, 2011

A special visit from a dear friend

ATF Intimidates Gun Owners With Home Visits

Kenneth Melson, ATF Chief,

    Ok, so now I have my local gun dealer having to run to the ATF if I buy more than two (2) guns in any one transaction.

    As the Justice Department announced earlier this month, “All gun shops in four Southwest border states (Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico) will be required to alert the federal government to frequent buyers of high-powered rifles.”
The ATF letter also orders gun dealers to report to the feds sales of “two or more pistols or revolvers, or any combination of pistols or revolvers totaling two or more.”

    So now they will be coming to my home to check on my purchases. Well Buddy better bring a Search warrant, better knock really loud, and annouce yourselves or I might just have to assume your burgalur trying to enter my home illegally.
My Attorneys will be in touch:
Law Firm of SMITH WESSON and WINCHESTER Sticker (   

Good Ol' "Fast & Furious" is  no reason to stop the bombardment of Americans Basic rights to own a gun. After all, we can rest assured that the evil bad guys are following every rule that the ATF puts in place, I mean if the Goverment can sell guns to drug dealers and Cartel members, it surely can't allow law abiding citizen to be able to defend themselves from them. I mean as a lawful gun owner, (as opposed to an unlawful gun owner), I hope I never have to become one of those. But if the defence of my family and my fellow countrymen is the difference, then oh well guess I may become "One of the bad guys" after all.

    I am sure that they will soon be either trying to "TAX" our ammo out of existence, as they seem to be doing, since they are having a hard time with the firearms that are already in this country. Or making ammo ownership there next move since if you have no more ammo your useless gun becomes nothing more than club. But remember you can always get a gun and ammo that is. Just tell you local ATF agent your a memeber of a drug cartel.

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