Monday, January 21, 2013

Early morning rise...

So woke this morning at O' dark thirty, (thank god for the brew of the gods). Seems that something happened yesterday, can't quit thinking about what it might have been.

Oh yeah El Presidente sworn in to office. I am thinking this might be the last time, unless he decides to become El Presidente for life.

As for this morning I quietly was thinking, ok what else needs to be added to the supplies and food preps. Since our local Wally World is no longer carrying Ammo of late. I know it is because of the impending legislation and of course the lack of manufacturers being able to supply it. Could it also be that our government is making orders for BILLIONS of rounds to be bought? Since most government contract have a very small print line in them that states, Paraphrasing here, "To be supplied as needed" Meaning we may not call for all of it at once but when we do you gotta have the total order read with in X number of days. This just makes the suppliers expend all of there production hours getting the damn order ready and holding it until El Presidente say ok ship it. So they do not manufacture anything but this order so as to have it if called upon to fill the order.

So if they can't take our guns, then we will tie up the ammo so you can't have any to use in your firearms. Progressive Liberals are not totally stupid. I even tried to purchase some primers for reloading and even those parts are getting hard to find due to ammo manufactures buying all the can make to fill the government orders. And by the way who cares that the government takes all that ammo and stores it in bunkers on our dime.

Just so you know a good friend of mine that runs an Army & Navy Surplus Store was just down to an auction in Southern California and saw pallet after pallet of 5.56 & 7.62 waiting to be destroyed rather than to allow it to be bought. Hell why didn't they allow our boys to shoot it up if nothing else.

He tried to bid on ammo cans and the price was run up so high by other bidders that he couldn't afford them. Winning bidders had equipment on sight to grind them up into scrap metal. Seems the scrap price was higher than the sell surplus price. Used military surplus right now is commanding a huge price.

OK later folks,
Have great day and God Bless...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Damn flu bug!

Ok not a conspiracy theory nut but this must be one damn bad flu if it is all over the nation and has killed so many people so far, 20 children and an unknown number of adults. Has this reached SHTF proportion? NO but it makes me wonder if all these "flu shots" are truly working or not. Seems to me people panic at the slightest little perceived danger.
   I also believe that as a hospital worker I can be infected with a multitude of things. Wash and disinfect your hands several times a day, use hand sanitizer whenever your in contact with sick or infected people, wear a particulate mask if things get really bad in your area.

   So on to other things, eat right, exercise, and generally take good care of yourself. I tend to follow my Grandmothers way, (God bless her departed soul). That lady always had a pot of soup on the back burner of the stove. I truly believe that chicken soup is good for staving off a cold or just good for your soul. Winter time I tend to so as she did keep a pot of soup or stew on the back burner on a very low heat and have a bowl whenever I come in from outside. Exercise? Man , just loading wood or splitting it right now makes up my exercise. Woke this morning to 33 degree temp. Glad I got the wood in last evening, LOL.

   Do you take a simple multi-vitamin? Well you should! Since I have started taking them I have noticed a slight increase in metabolism and energy. And I have, (knock on wood) not been sick with a cold or flu this year so far. I did suffer from a sinus infection though about a week ago Amazing what a round of antibiotics can do for you.

Ok guess that's enough for this morning. Peace and love to everyone. Hope your day is a good one!

Hossmiester III

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I am going to continue to post my feelings and thoughts no matter if anyone reads them or not.

I have made a decision that I will not comply with any gun grabs the federal government, or for that matter state government, tries to enforce on my 2nd amendment. As I am soon to be 55 years of age, my beautiful wife who I love dearly, and no children in the household, I have decided to resist this "GUN GRAB" because I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees. I have no doubt that I will die. But please Mr LEO, do not think I will go willingly. A single individual cannot survive a government demand for slavery.

Second Amendment to the United States Constitution reads:

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State.

What this means to me is, I, as a citizen of this great country have a God given right to be able to use "ANY" firearm or weapon of my choosing that is currently in the United Sates Military Arsenal. For the following reasons (in no particular order):

  • deterring tyrannical government;
  • repelling invasion;
  • suppressing insurrection;
  • facilitating a natural right of self-defense;
  • participating in law enforcement;
  • enabling the people to organize a militia system
The key wording in the 2nd amendment is "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". What is the meaning of the word INFRINGED?

The Dictionary says:

Definition of INFRINGE

transitive verb
to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule.
verb (used without object)
to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on  or upon  ): Don't infringe on his privacy.
In a basic statement YOU CAN'T MAKE A LAW THAT TAKES THIS AWAY FROM ME! In any way shape or form, end of statement. I have a God given right to defend myself with whatever means I choose to.
When the Government passes a law that is acted upon that states Clearly and Distinctly that:
ANY person in the commission of ANY crime, having a firearm in possession, is to be put to death immediately upon conviction of the crime. No Legal appeals no bargaining away the charges (ABSOLUETLY NO LIFE IN JAIL OR A JUDGE BEING ABLE TO DISMISS THE CHARGE.) Aso make the damn execution a public event (All prisoners to be forced to watch).
Use a gun and you will be hung by the neck until dead or execute them in the same manor as their victims. It is bullshit to think that criminals don't worry about the death penalty. (now they don't except maybe in TEXAS as they seem to be the only ones that use it anymore).
