Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's been awhile...

This video is a must see! WARNING get a box of Kleenex, you'll need them.

   Been sorta out of it with finding out a best friend lost his life in Iraq about 3 weeks ago. Funny how a Blog can suddenly take a back seat to life. This young man was a dear friend of our family. I remember a day when he was about 8 and came knocking on my front door, "Sir, I am trying to find work cause my momma just lost her job and I gotta take care of her." I ask him "Son what kind of work can you do?" He looked at me with a mist in his eyes and said "Anything I have too. Cause I am the man of our home and my Momma needs me to take care of her." At this time I really didn't know the family very well. So I told him "If you come back tomorrow I'll see what I can find for you to do." That young man was on my door step at 8 am sharp. I gave him a rake and told him my back yard needed the leaves raked up. He never once ask how much was I going to pay, I guess his need for work was weighing heavily on his mind. The wife made him breakfast after about 20 minutes into his job, He was a very polite young man, and quickly ate and asked if he could get back to raking leaves. He had that back yard raked up and was putting the leaves in a garbage can in about an hour and a half. When he was done he came and asked if there was anything else he could do? I said not today.

   "So son, what do you figure your time was worth on this job?" He thought a minute and sort of unsure said "Would $5.00 be too much to ask?" I asked if he felt that 1 and 1/2 hours work for $5.00 would be a fair man wage? He seemed to be unsure of what I was asking. So I told him that if I paid him $5.00 for the job it would only work out to be $3.33 and hour. I asked him "Don't you think I should pay a man a fair days wage for a fair days work?" He thought a minute and said that it seemed fair I should. So I told him that if he was willing I needed a young man that could do a few things around my house on occasions, and would he be willing to take on that job? I told him I would pay $8.00 an hour on the condition that I spoke with his mother and felt that she had no problems with him working for me.

   He said he would ask her that evening. Next morning at 8 AM sharp both he and his mother were at our door. I welcomed them both in and we shared a cup of coffee (he had a glass of milk, I wasn't about to start corrupting the boy this early in our relationship), LOL. That came much later. I asked him if he was willing to start working today? He had a huge smile and said "Yes Sir! Just tell me what you want done?" Said "My truck could use a wash." Go out and get the hose ready." This gave his Mother and I a chance to chat. I made sure she understood that he came to me looking for a job at 8 years old. She seems a bit embarrassed, I told her don't be he is doing a what a young man is supposed to do. I promised her I would not allow him to get hurt, dirty yes, injured or hurt no. Seems the father had cut out early in his life and he was all his mother had. Her and my wife took a strong liking to each other and that was that.

   Over the many years Tom "worked" for me, we had some very long talks about life, most of them over a fishing pole and a can of worms on a lake side. I tried to give him direction and love, he was like a grandson to me. And his mother was like the daughter I never had. We had them down to our house on a weekly basis for a nice meal on Saturdays or Sundays. Lots of good talk. I still remember the day Tom came over and told me he was going to have to stop "working" for me. I said "can you tell me why your going to quit on me?" We both kinda smiled and laughed about "Well Pops, your not the best wage payer I have worked for." And then he said "And I think I have decided I am going to join the Army, they will train me, give me money to go to school on. Moms got a really good job thanks to your wife and you were pulling a few strings. That was 3 years ago,  I received a phone call on the 2nd of August that Tom had been killed while on patrol in some area of Iraq. His Mother requested that I please say a few words about Tom and mines relationship at his wake and eulogy. I also met two of Toms buddies who were pawl bearers at his funeral.

The tears still flow freely... I am sorry but I shall end this now maybe later I can see a little clearer.

God bless our service men and women.

If you know one or meet one, Why don't you shake there hands and say "THANK YOU, for your service to our country!"

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Trying to help

 Little something to ponder...
Just got off and saw that a person had posted this web site:

Retail/web store - TDS GUNS

Located in Rocklin, CA just northeast of Sacramento.
WOW is all I can say, is it close to me not really, but well worth the 4+ hour drive to pick up 3 of the following. Why drive? OPSEC, that's why!

Aeroprecision Lower .223/Multi
Forged---3 for $189.95

And as far as buying lower kits, Standard military M4 kits work for me.

Oracle 5.56 Complete Rifle Kit Less Lower
Sale Price: $489.00

3 Upper kits                   $1470.00
3 lowers                      + $ 190.00

Sub total                        $1660.00

Tax and fees for CA      $ 225.00

                                     $ 1885.00

$1885.00 divided by 3 equals .......................$629.00 each!

No reason you and a couple of buddies couldn't go into together and make a deal like this.

Now that's a great deal for an AR!

1000 rounds of ammo is around $300.00- $350.00
So for around $1000.00 you got a pretty good set up and your ready to rock and roll (with some practice).

Not saying anything, just sayin'.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Essential Rules Of Liberty

I personally believe this is a must read!
10 great rules of Liberty!

Now on to other things!

    Better buy Beans, Bullets, and Band-aids while there still there to buy. Not great fare but better than starving. Trust me that a starving man will do ANYTHING for a meal. Including turning on a neighbor or swearing to a lie.

    Food is control, the Russian and Chinese communists know this just check your past history,
and if you think for one moment that the socialist that are destroying our country won't do the same thing, well, you got another think coming, as my mother was so fond of saying.

    Oh and by the way I was once referred to as a "survivalist" (70-80's) now fondly called a "Prepper" (2010) more political correct? Who gives a S**t, I plan to not starve nor my family. Every payday, I buy something to put in the "pantry" I watch sales, coupons, and just listen to others talking about what was on sale at the market. I also go to the farmers market and look for deals or better yet ask for deals.

    Trying to up my survival skills by learning anything I can that will make life a little easier if the infrastructure as we know it, fails. I buy hand tools for wood working, Lumber off Craig's List, When someone wants "firewood" hauled off I check it out and as long as it is not pressure treated wood I take it. I am not a mechanic but I am damn well learning to do a lot of my own repairs now. It ain't all that hard to replace a radiator hose, change a tire, which by the way when was the last time you actually, physically, inspected your spare for correct tire pressure and condition? Where's the jack? Can you physically change your own tire? AAA road service may not be there when you need them.

    I am also forcing myself to walk at least a mile everyday at a fairly brisk pace. In a few weeks I am going to be adding a 20 pound pack on my walks. Increasing the distance on a weekly basis, Just trying to add a couple more blocks to the distance each week will increase your stamina.

   Also getting those appointments to the Doctor and Dentist to have those little things done that I have been putting off. SHTF situation who you gonna call? NO ONE you'll be on your own.

::stepping off soapbox::


P.S. A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves!

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
~~~~Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

Is this you?

LOL, Sorry all you investment type people.

I belive the "Bubble has burst" on stocks.

More later, have a great day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"The Last Bastion of Freedom"

    Goodbye America, 235 years is such a short time to be a country.    

    "Fox News is calling this committee a SUPER CONGRESS, because its legislative proposals (which could include gun control provisions) CANNOT be filibustered or amended in the Senate or House".
    This is not the answer nor is it constitutional. Tyranny is upon us. "All tyranny needs are for good men to do nothing". Seems to me that the Emperor of Rome, Cesar Barrack Obama, now has the final key to his throne, the Super Committee of 13 not Democrats or Republicans but a committee of all liberals. Rino's and Dino's everyone. The United States will now be run by a Super Congress (Council of 13).
    First act of business getting rid of that pesky 2nd Amendment. Please read the following story at GUN OWNERS of AMERICA:...
    If you haven't started then get busy, buy canned food, rice, beans, A water filter, and a myriad of other options needed for survival. Cause if you think this Government is going to take care of you, your sadly and gravely mistaken.
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, "BUY A FIREARM & AMMUNITION" not going to tell you which firearm AK-47, AR-15, Grandpa's old huntin' rifle, 12 gauge, .22 LR, a Pistol (in a multitude of calibers offers) and as much ammunition as you can afford. Cause you will need it to defend against "The Golden Horde" and maybe some other types who do not take there oath seriously, to protect what food and supplies you have. When the war starts (yes I have no doubt that there will be a war, who the combatants are the jury is still out on that) you will be able to pick up a better weapon off the dead and dying. I stated in an earlier post that I prefer the "ballot box to the bullet" but a gut feeling makes me wonder if we will truly be able to have a vote come 2012. Emperor Obama, is marshalling his troops, and setting the stage.
May God Bless us....
           P.S. And practise with your weapon, buying a gun and a box of shells and putting it in your drawer does you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD!