Saturday, April 9, 2011

Well They Caved

Here is video of Obama and Reid in disscusion of the Cuts (not sure how or why it was leaked):

    Republicans caved last night, even after a clear mandate by the people in November. Not just the TEA Party but by most Americans. This person in the white house, clearly a socialist, has the idea that he has a free checkbook with no limit.

   Besides telling a man with 10 kids, (ok I gotta say this, what part of birth control do you not get) that says he cannot afford fuel for his vehicle, he needs to buy a more fuel efficient vehicle. All the while Obama takes golf trips, vacations every month or so, and blows jet fuel by the tanker load.      

   Where does he get off telling anyone to buy a more fuel efficient vehicle. Jesus Christ man set the damn example! And the lazy ass American public says a does nothing. My god people a stamp is only .44 cents. Let's all send the white house a letter letting the "BIG O" know that we are pissed and not going to stand for this. Can you imagine if 1,000,000 letters alone came in how over burdened the white house would be? But mostly, take a stand at the ballet box and tell his ass that come November 2012 his services will no longer be needed.

   People we can take back our country with the ballet box or with bullets. I personally prefer the ballet box, but if necessary will use bullets.

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