Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"The Last Bastion of Freedom"

    Goodbye America, 235 years is such a short time to be a country.    

    "Fox News is calling this committee a SUPER CONGRESS, because its legislative proposals (which could include gun control provisions) CANNOT be filibustered or amended in the Senate or House".
    This is not the answer nor is it constitutional. Tyranny is upon us. "All tyranny needs are for good men to do nothing". Seems to me that the Emperor of Rome, Cesar Barrack Obama, now has the final key to his throne, the Super Committee of 13 not Democrats or Republicans but a committee of all liberals. Rino's and Dino's everyone. The United States will now be run by a Super Congress (Council of 13).
    First act of business getting rid of that pesky 2nd Amendment. Please read the following story at GUN OWNERS of AMERICA:...
    If you haven't started then get busy, buy canned food, rice, beans, A water filter, and a myriad of other options needed for survival. Cause if you think this Government is going to take care of you, your sadly and gravely mistaken.
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, "BUY A FIREARM & AMMUNITION" not going to tell you which firearm AK-47, AR-15, Grandpa's old huntin' rifle, 12 gauge, .22 LR, a Pistol (in a multitude of calibers offers) and as much ammunition as you can afford. Cause you will need it to defend against "The Golden Horde" and maybe some other types who do not take there oath seriously, to protect what food and supplies you have. When the war starts (yes I have no doubt that there will be a war, who the combatants are the jury is still out on that) you will be able to pick up a better weapon off the dead and dying. I stated in an earlier post that I prefer the "ballot box to the bullet" but a gut feeling makes me wonder if we will truly be able to have a vote come 2012. Emperor Obama, is marshalling his troops, and setting the stage.
May God Bless us....
           P.S. And practise with your weapon, buying a gun and a box of shells and putting it in your drawer does you ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD!

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