Saturday, February 2, 2013

Well I hope it's not to late.

Been kinda worried about all the preps I have been making. You know buying Beans, Bullets (if you can find any for sale that is), and Band-Aid. Just purchased a few of the EBR parts. Was going to use the old debit card, but something told me not too. So I used a USPS MO and another order was cash (you know that funny green stuff that seems like no one uses anymore) Reasoning? Cash is very hard to trace. So I made up my mind that from now on the only use for debit cards are bill paying, putting gas in the car,and taking cash out of the bank etc. etc.

All other purchases such as food, ammo, and prepping supplies will be a cash only deal. Will only be buying a few things at COSTCO as you have to use there card which keeps a record of your purchases on there computer records. And with the fact El Presidente and his minions ( DHS Secretary, Big Sis) the less the damn government knows the better for me.

I have actually been mulling over the thought of renting a PO BOX at say the UPS store or mail boxes etc. As just another layer of protection. Also I wouldn't have boxes showing up on the front porch when I am not home.

Ok enough about the scary old government and there snooping on us private citizens. Found out that here in The Peoples Republic of California, your brand new drivers license has a RFID chip in them now.

Ok boys and girls, this is what you need to do to destroy the chip in an unnoticeable manner:

1. Put your driver's license in the microwave for 5 seconds. We did for 10 seconds.
2. Put it back into your wallet or wherever you keep it and smile knowing that your privacy just increased.

Amazingly simple solution to and insidious item. I refuse to allow this communist state to track my movements.

Well it seems like ammo is starting to reappear at a few sights. Wally World has decided to limit your purchases to 3 boxes total of your choice of calibers. So you can buy 3 boxes of .22's or 3 boxes of 5.56 but not 3 boxes each. Wife hates the fact I make her go with me when I buy ammo.

Ok breakfast is calling Homemade apple cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal and a few strips of bacon.

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