Damn flu bug!
Ok not a conspiracy theory nut but this must be one damn bad flu if it is all over the nation and has killed so many people so far, 20 children and an unknown number of adults. Has this reached SHTF proportion? NO but it makes me wonder if all these "flu shots" are truly working or not. Seems to me people panic at the slightest little perceived danger.
So on to other things, eat right, exercise, and generally take good care of yourself. I tend to follow my Grandmothers way, (God bless her departed soul). That lady always had a pot of soup on the back burner of the stove. I truly believe that chicken soup is good for staving off a cold or just good for your soul. Winter time I tend to so as she did keep a pot of soup or stew on the back burner on a very low heat and have a bowl whenever I come in from outside. Exercise? Man , just loading wood or splitting it right now makes up my exercise. Woke this morning to 33 degree temp. Glad I got the wood in last evening, LOL.
Do you take a simple multi-vitamin? Well you should! Since I have started taking them I have noticed a slight increase in metabolism and energy. And I have, (knock on wood) not been sick with a cold or flu this year so far. I did suffer from a sinus infection though about a week ago Amazing what a round of antibiotics can do for you.
Ok guess that's enough for this morning. Peace and love to everyone. Hope your day is a good one!
Hossmiester III
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